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UK - Labour Party Web Hack Starts To Unravel

LONDON, ENGLAND, 1996 DEC 17 (NB) via Individual Inc. -- By Steve Gold. Police investigating the systematic hack of the Labour Party World Wide Web site, which was hacked on three separate occasions last week, have started the process of tracing down the hacker, Newsbytes has learned.

As reported last week by Newsbytes, during the first raid, which occurred 12 days ago, the Labour Party Web site hacker changed the title "Road to the Manifesto" to "Road to Nowhere." He also tinkered with links to other sites on the Web so they read "The Labour Party sex shop," and transferred visitors to a series of pages carrying pornography.

Despite Labour sealing administrator access to the Web site at http://www.labour.co.uk , the hacker, who had a US accent, regained access and almost rewrote the site, adding images of Labour head Tony Blair taken from the Spitting Image comedy puppet series, under the banner headline of "Hacked Labour: Same Politicians, Same Lies."

The hacker also re-routed Web links which were supposed to detail information on the various personalities within the Labour party to information on the puppets on Jim Henson's Muppet Show, on the Henson Web site in the US.

Newsbytes notes that the running of the site is contracted out to two companies, On-line Publishing, which maintains the pages, and Poptel, which provides the Web space on its servers. Both companies have said they are investigating how the hacker gained access to the pages.

Newsbytes has discovered that BT has traced the first hacker call of Saturday, December 7, to an Internet cafe in Manchester, with the call time logged at 5am. Curiously, the cafe was shut at the time, but Newsbytes notes that there was an all-night "2600" hacker party going on in Manchester at the time, forcing investigators to the conclusion that the hack may have been part of a demonstration for the hackers.

So far, neither the police nor the Labour party will comment on these revelations, which were published in the "Londoner's Diary" of the London Evening Standard.

Newsbytes has discovered, however, that at least one person attending the 2600 hacker party i under investigation by the London Fraud Squad.

(19961217/Press Contact: Labour Party, tel +44-171-701-1234, fax +44-171-234-3300/Reported By Newsbytes News Network: http://www.newsbytes.com)


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[Datenschleuder] [58]    UK - Labour Party Web Hack Starts To Unravel
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